Ethylene Oxide Residuals - Navigating ISO 10993-7
STERIS AST Principal Scientist Jason Rogers reviews how to navigate the requirements of ISO 10993-7 for product ethylene oxide and ethylene chlorohydrin residues.
During this TechTalk, you will learn how associated category limits are determined, the extraction methods determining residues, and the considerations that go into product residue testing, plus more.

Ethylene Oxide
Gas ProcessingMicrobiological Testing
Testing & Validation

Ethylene Oxide Residuals – Navigating ISO 10993-7
- Product Categories
- ISO 10993-7 Limits
- What Do I Extract?
- Extraction Options
- Establishing Aeration Time
- Dissipation Curve
- End Point Testing
- Product/Packaging Considerations
- Future Revision of ISO 10993-7