Significant progress has been made to the warehouse extension project at our AST facility in Radeberg, Germany and we are very pleased to announce that it was completed at the end of 2015.
The expansion project began in 2014 and will provide over 750 additional storage spaces for the Gamma and E-beam irradiation facility. This increased space will enable the site to fully and independently meet the ever growing storage needs of its Customers.
The sprinkler system is currently being installed and once complete and adherence to all fire and safety requirements is confirmed, the warehouse will be complete and ready for opening. In response to Customer feedback, Radeberg has also used this expansion project as an opportunity to change the product entry and exit points to make it easier for its Customers to collect and drop off their items.
We are also very pleased to announce that due to the warehouse extension, Radeberg has been able to obtain regulatory approval to increase activity in the gamma facility. Through this, the site will be able to increase its irradiation capacity by over 30%, enabling it to accommodate any Customer growth and to further extend its Customer base.